For everyone that attended DEVCON last month, it was a watershed moment in the evolution of the Ethereum Platform. I was fortunate enough to be present and give a 15 minute talk about the FreeMyVunk Movement. I was also able to participate in a 45 minute panel focused on gaming and the blockchain. The reception was overwhelming! I was swarmed after my presentation with people wanting to talk with me. I concluded at 11 am and was only able to make it back into the main conference hall to catch one talk (Jack’s speech on Colony) in the afternoon. I had so many conversations in the back of the hall with excited, wonderful, smart people. It was amazing.  Big shout outs to Joseph Lubin, Adam (creator of NeoPets), David (all around game activist who told me he would pledge his soul to FreeMyVunk!), Ksenia, Alex (game developer), Peter, Igor, Andrew, and everyone else I am inexcusably forgetting.

The biggest thing I took away from the conference is that Ethereum is all about REAL applications. The people and projects blew me away. In only three short months since Ethereum’s birth (the genesis block), project teams have already created incredible things. And the speed of development is only speeding up. As for myself, I felt as if I was caught up in a technological tidal wave. The wave hasn’t reached the shore yet, but for everyone who witnessed its awesome presence at DEVCON we can attest that it’s coming.

Rather than spend a lot of time on the nuances of Ethereum, let me cut to the chase on a few particular items discussed which directly impact FreeMyVunk.  First, Alex Van De Sande gave a great talk about the Ethereum wallet (the first component of the Mist Ethereum browser).  It showed how easily the wallet can be created and store tokens.  We will most likely require early FreeMyVunk adopters to use the Ethereum wallet to store their VUNK tokens until we are satisfied with our (or someone else’s) web wallet solution.

Second, we heard a talk from Simon de la Rouviere about the standardization of token contracts on Ethereum. This is something we are keenly interested in since FreeMyVunk will be creating A LOT of tokens.  We want these tokens to be interoperable across all Ethereum wallets and applications. If you are interested in token smart contract standardization see: to join the discussion.

Third, at the conference we heard from Jack Du Rose about Colony, the decentralized collaboration platform. The purpose and goals of the FreeMyVunk Colony will be discussed in detail in a separate blog post, but needless to say we are excited about the possibilities. We think Colony could be the answer for how to scale the FreeMyVunk Movement to millions of participants and yet still allow single individuals to have a voice and contribute in a meaningful way.

We couldn’t be more happy to be involved in such a vibrant and energized community. We hope to be a key contributor to the ecosystem and help bring many new members to the community from the gaming sector. Gamers are ideal early mainstream adopters because they already understand many of the concepts around virtual platforms. The biggest question right now is…when is DEVCON2 and how can we blow the lid off Ethereum and take it mainstream?!


FMV Founder


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