The FreeMyVunk movement is dedicated to empowering people to fight for ownership rights over their virtual property, virtual junk or vunk. Blockchain technology questionmark  enables vunk to be tokenized so it can be bought, sold and traded independent of the game. You hold your tokenized assets in your VunkWallet and the power to take control of your virtual property.


Is anyone really doing this?

The very first game to use this technology and issue its virtual assets is called “Spells of Genesis” and is in development by the company EverdreamSoft. It uses tokens to represent digital collectible cards. Collectible card game players are very familiar with the idea of buying/selling/trading cards. And no they can trade tokens with other players just as they would traditional paper cards. Spells of Genesis is the first example and it is one we can point to and show other game developers.


This sounds awesome, what needs to happen to make this a reality?

We need to get the word out to game companies! Gamers all over the world need to raise their collective voices and demand that game development companies issue their virtual assets on the blockchain. The way to do this is to join the movement, join the ReVUNKolution! When you sign up for the FreeMyVunk Movement you add your voice in saying to game development companies, “I want to own and control my virtual property, please stop holding it hostage.” As a thank you, we will send you some VNK tokens to your digital wallet. VNK tokens are the currency of the FreeMyVunk movement.


So why would I want VNK?

VNK is the currency of the movement. Everyone who uses their social media networks to broadcast the message of the ReVUNKolution will earn VNK.

The purpose of VNK is to serve as the fuel for the FreeMyVunk Marketplace. As the movement succeeds and convinces game makers to issue virtual game objects on the blockchain, we need a place for everyone to trade. The marketplace will be the crowning jewel of the movement, THE place for gamers all around the globe to come and buy/sell/trade their virtual wealth. Fortunes will be made, and people may even be able to live out their dreams of making a living playing video games. The fuel to power this enormous economic juggernaut is VNK. All buy/sell/trade postings on the marketplace will require a little bit of VNK in order to be accepted. It also serves a secondary purpose as a way to suppress spam on the marketplace. So anyone wishing to use the marketplace needs VNK. If they don’t have any, they will need to buy it from someone who has it. That is where it gains value. Of course, secondary markets and exchanges will enable VNK owners to move in and out with other cryptocurrencies, and we believe the free market will do what it does best… price discovery. Please go to VNK TOKEN for a full description of VNK issuance and distribution.


Oh, and one more important thing!

For every person who joins the movement because of you (and names you as their sponsor), you will receive the equivalent of 1% of all the VNK they ever make. Every time they get paid, YOU get paid. That means it can potentially be very rewarding to bring in awesome people! But don’t worry, we don’t take that 1% out of their compensation, it is just an additional gift for people who spread the word.


If you’d like to start earning VNK now by spreading the word, go register at the top of the menu or click HERE